Create Email Filters in Gmail | Unclutter Your Inbox

Need help creating Gmail filters? While warming up emails, your inbox may get cluttered. Let us help you out!
January 18, 2021
Content Writer @ Outreachbin
Create Email Filters in Gmail | Unclutter Your Inbox

Since OutreachBin has an automated reply feature for your warm-up emails based on the rate of reply you’ve set, it can likely result in dozens of emails in your inbox. This is annoying, to say the least, and if you don’t store them elsewhere, your inbox will be cluttered with a pile of unorganized emails.

To avoid this chaos, all you need to do is follow this simple 5-step tutorial to create a folder where emails from OutreachBin will directly land. You can do this both on Gmail and Gsuite. Let’s get started!

Subject contains: outreachbin (lowercase, no space)

Step - 1: Click on the ‘Settings’ icon and select ‘See all settings’.

Step - 2: Go to ‘Filters and Blocked Addresses’ and click on ‘Create a new filter’.

Step - 3: In this step, you need to define your criteria.

Type ‘outreachbin’ in the subject line in lowercase and without using spaces. Next, click on ‘Create filter’.

Step - 4: This is where you set the rules.

Click on ‘Skip the Inbox (Archive it)’, ‘Apply the label’ to create a label name, ‘Also apply filter to __ matching conversations’, and create your folder.

Step - 5: That’s it. Click on ‘Create Filter’

And you’re all good to go. The new label will now be displayed on the left side of your screen where all your previous and upcoming mails from Outreachbin will be stored.


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