12 Tips for Creating Professional Email Subject Line Examples in 2023

Professional email subject lines are crucial in making sure that your emails get opened and read. Writing an effective subject line can be the difference […]
September 13, 2023
Content Writer @ Outreachbin
professional email subject line examples

Professional email subject lines are crucial in making sure that your emails get opened and read. Writing an effective subject line can be the difference between your email being read or being ignored. With so many emails flooding inboxes daily, it's important to ensure your email stands out.

Writing a clear and concise subject line is one way to make sure your email stands out. According to Indeed, shorter email subject lines are quicker to scan but don't necessarily improve your chances of your email getting read. Your subject line must reflect your email's content and grab the recipient's attention. Examples of clear and concise subject lines include "Meeting Request: [Date] - [Time]," "Project Update: [Project Name]," and "Action Required: [Task Description]."

There are many other ways to write effective subject lines. For instance, using urgency can be an efficient way to get people to take action. Subject lines that use words like "urgent," "breaking," "important," or "alert" have higher open rates. Outreachbin, an email outreach tool, recommends using personalization, humor, and curiosity in subject lines to make them more engaging. With the right subject line, your email can stand out in a crowded inbox and get the attention it deserves.

What is the Subject in an Email

20 Email Subject Lines That Will Get Opened Every Time | Grammarly

The subject line in an email is a brief summary of the email's content that appears in the recipient's inbox. It is the first thing that the recipient sees when they receive an email, and it is often the deciding factor in whether or not they open the email. A well-crafted subject line can make the difference between a successful email campaign and one that falls flat.

The subject line should be concise and to the point while still conveying the purpose of the email. It should be relevant to the recipient and give them a reason to open the email. A good subject line can entice the recipient to open the email, while a bad one can cause them to delete it without even reading it.

When crafting a subject line, it is important to consider the tone of the email and the relationship between the sender and the recipient. A subject line for a formal email will be different from a casual email's. It is also important to avoid using all caps or exclamation points, as this can make the email seem spammy.

What is an Email Preheader

An email preheader is a short summary text that appears after or beside the subject line in the recipient's inbox. It provides a preview of the email content and gives the reader an idea of what to expect from the email. The preheader is typically 40-100 characters long and should supplement the subject line, not repeat it.

The preheader is also known as a preview text, snippet, or snippet text. It is usually displayed in smaller font size than the subject line and may be truncated if it is too long. Therefore, it is essential to make the preheader concise and engaging to capture the recipient's attention and encourage them to open the email.

Outreachbin recommends including a preheader in every email you send. It can increase your emails' open rates and engagement by providing a sneak peek into the content and generating interest in the reader. A well-crafted preheader can also set the tone for the email and convey the value proposition of the message.

Some best practices for writing an effective preheader include:

  • Elaborate on your subject line
  • Make preheader text work cohesively with the subject line
  • Spark curiosity
  • Use FOMO to create a sense of urgency
  • Personalize the preview text
  • Use emojis to stand out in the inbox
  • Include a call to action

By following these best practices, you can create compelling preheaders that entice the reader to open your email and engage with your content.

Why the Subject Line of an Email is so Important

The subject line of an email is the first thing a recipient sees when they receive an email. It is the gateway to the content of the email and, therefore, plays a crucial role in determining whether or not the recipient will open the email and engage with its contents. In fact, according to a study by Outreachbin, 33% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone.

A well-crafted subject line can make all the difference in the success of an email campaign. It can increase open rates, click-through rates, and, ultimately, the return on investment (ROI) of the campaign. On the other hand, a poorly written subject line can lead to low open rates, low engagement rates, and a waste of time and resources.

The subject line is so important because it sets the tone for the entire email. It can convey the email's purpose, the message's urgency, and the content's value. A clear and concise subject line can also help the recipient quickly understand what the email is about and whether or not it is relevant to them.

Another reason why the subject line is important is that it can help the email stand out in a crowded inbox. With the average person receiving dozens of emails per day, it is important for the subject line to grab their attention and make them want to open the email. This can be achieved through the use of attention-grabbing phrases, personalization, and a sense of urgency.

In summary, the subject line of an email is a critical component of any email campaign. It can make or break the success of the campaign and, therefore, should be given the attention and care it deserves. By crafting clear, concise, and attention-grabbing subject lines, email marketers can increase open rates, engagement rates, and, ultimately, the ROI of their campaigns.

Best Practices for Email Subject Lines

Crafting a compelling email subject line is crucial for any email marketing campaign. The subject line is the first thing the recipient sees, and it can determine whether they open the email. Here are some best practices to follow when writing email subject lines:

Keep it Short and Sweet

Email subject lines should be concise and to the point. Most email clients display only the first 50-60 characters of the subject line, so making those characters count is important. A short and sweet subject line is more likely to grab the recipient's attention and entice them to open the email. Outreachbin recommends keeping subject lines to no more than 9 words and 60 characters.

Be Clear and Specific

Email subject lines should accurately reflect the content of the email. Vague or misleading subject lines can lead to low open rates, unsubscribes, and even spam complaints. Be clear and specific about what the email contains and what action you want the recipient to take. For example, if the email concerns a new product launch, the subject line could be "Introducing our new product line."

Personalize When Possible

Personalized subject lines can increase open rates and engagement. Including the recipient's name or other relevant information in the subject line can make the email feel more personalized and relevant to them. However, be careful not to overdo it with personalization and come across as creepy or spammy.

Use Action-Oriented Language

Action-oriented language can encourage the recipient to take action and open the email. Using words like "limited time offer", "exclusive", "new", "now", and "urgent" can create a sense of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out). However, be careful not to use these words too often and come across as pushy or insincere.

Test and Analyze

Testing and analyzing email subject lines can help you determine what works best for your audience. A/B testing different subject lines can help you determine which ones have higher open rates and engagement.

Following these best practices can help you create effective email subject lines that grab the recipient's attention and encourage them to open the email.

12 Tips to Create Good Email Subject Lines

150 Best Email Subject Lines: Real Examples & Tips

Crafting an effective email subject line is crucial to ensure that your email is opened and read. A well-written subject line can entice the recipient to open the email, while a poorly written one can cause it to be ignored or even marked as spam. Here are 12 tips for creating good email subject lines:

  1. Keep it short: A subject line that is too long may get cut off, so it's important to keep it brief and to the point. Aim for 50 characters or less.
  2. Be specific: Make sure your subject line accurately reflects the content of your email. Vague or misleading subject lines can lead to confusion or disappointment.
  3. Personalize it: Personalizing the subject line with the recipient's name can make it more attention-grabbing. Outreachbin can help with this by automatically inserting the recipient's name into the subject line.
  4. Use action-oriented language: Use action-oriented language to encourage the recipient to take action, such as "Don't miss out" or "Limited time offer."
  5. Create a sense of urgency: Creating a sense of urgency can effectively get people to take action. Using words like "urgent," "breaking," "important," or "alert" can increase open rates.
  6. Make it relevant: Ensure that your subject line is relevant to the recipient. Outreachbin can help with this by allowing you to segment your email list and send targeted emails to specific groups.
  7. Use humor (when appropriate): Humor can be a great way to grab the recipient's attention, but it's important to use it sparingly and only when appropriate.
  8. Avoid spam triggers: Avoid using words or phrases that are commonly associated with spam emails, such as "free," "guaranteed," or "act now."
  9. Test different subject lines: A/B testing can be a great way to determine which subject lines are most effective. Try testing different variations to see which ones get the best results.
  10. Use emojis (sparingly): Emojis can be a fun way to add some personality to your subject line, but it's important to use them sparingly and only when appropriate.
  11. Use numbers: Using numbers in your subject line can be an effective way to grab the recipient's attention, such as "5 tips for creating better subject lines."
  12. Keep it professional: While it's important to be creative and attention-grabbing, it's also important to keep your subject line professional and relevant to your brand.

Video: Get More Opens with Great Email Subject Lines

Creating a compelling email subject line is crucial to increasing open rates and getting your message read. According to a study, 33% of email recipients decide whether or not to open an email based on the subject line alone. This is why crafting a great subject line is essential to the success of your email campaign.

Outreachbin, a popular email outreach tool, recommends using personalization, urgency, and curiosity in your subject lines to make them more effective. Personalization involves using the recipient's name or other personal information to make the email feel more personalized. Urgency involves creating a sense of urgency or scarcity to motivate the recipient to take action. Curiosity involves piquing the recipient's interest by teasing them with a question or hint.

To help you come up with effective subject lines, Branding Heights has compiled a list of 111 video email subject line ideas and samples. The list includes subject lines for different types of videos, such as explainer videos, product demos, and customer testimonials.

Another helpful resource is the Constant Contact blog, which provides 12 tips for creating the best email subject lines. The tips include keeping it short and sweet, using numbers and statistics, and avoiding spam trigger words.

In addition, Grammarly offers 20 email subject lines that will be opened every time. The list includes subject lines that use humor, urgency, and personalization to grab the recipient's attention.

By following these tips and using the examples provided, you can create compelling email subject lines that increase open rates and get your message read.

Even More Tips for Standout Email Subject Lines

Crafting an effective email subject line is essential for getting your message noticed and opened. Here are some additional tips to help you create standout subject lines that will grab your recipient's attention:

  • Keep it short and sweet: Aim for subject lines that are 50 characters or less. This will ensure your message is easy to read and won't be cut off on mobile devices.
  • Use action-oriented language: Verbs and action words can help make your subject line more compelling and encourage your recipient to take action. For example, instead of "Meeting Reminder," try "Don't Miss Our Important Meeting Tomorrow."
  • Personalize when possible: Including the recipient's name or other personalized information can help make your email feel more relevant and increase the chances of it being opened.
  • Avoid spam triggers: Certain words and phrases can trigger spam filters and cause your email to be sent to the junk folder. Avoid using words like "free," "discount," or "act now" in your subject line.
  • Test and optimize: Like with any marketing tactic, it's important to test different subject lines and see which ones perform best. Tools like Outreachbin can help you test and optimize your subject lines for maximum effectiveness.

By following these tips and experimenting with different subject lines, you can increase the chances of your emails being opened and read by your target audience.

Email Open, Click, and Bounce Rate by Industry

Regarding email marketing, knowing how your open, click, and bounce rates compare to others in your industry is important. This information can help you set realistic goals and adjust your email campaigns to improve performance.

According to a report by Mailerlite, the average email open rate across all industries in 2022 was 22.71%. However, open rates varied significantly by industry. For example, the highest open rates were in the legal industry (34.97%), while the lowest was in the gambling industry (10.53%).

Click-through rates (CTR) also varied by industry, with an average of 2.62%. The industries with the highest CTR were the arts and entertainment (5.13%) and the legal (4.87%). The lowest CTR was in the gambling industry (1.73%).

Bounce rates, which indicate the percentage of emails that were undeliverable, also varied by industry. The average bounce rate across all industries was 0.46%. The industries with the highest bounce rates were the gambling industry (1.27%) and the real estate industry (0.94%). The legal industry had the lowest bounce rate (0.08%).

It's important to note that these statistics are just averages, and your own email open, click, and bounce rates may vary depending on a variety of factors, including the quality of your email list and the content of your emails.

Outreachbin, a popular email outreach tool, can help you improve your email open, click, and bounce rates by providing features such as personalized email templates, automated follow-ups, and email tracking. By using Outreachbin, you can optimize your email campaigns and achieve better results.

Final Thoughts on Email Subject Lines

Crafting effective email subject lines is crucial for any successful email marketing campaign. The subject line is the first thing the recipient sees, determining whether they will open the email or not. Therefore, ensuring the subject line is engaging, informative, and relevant to the recipient is essential.

One of the key things to keep in mind when writing subject lines is to keep them short and to the point. According to Indeed, shorter subject lines are quicker to scan but don't necessarily improve the chances of the email getting read. The subject line needs to reflect the email's content, and it should be clear and concise.

Another important factor to consider is personalization. Personalized subject lines can increase open rates and engagement. Using the recipient's name or referencing their recent interactions with your brand can make the email feel more relevant and personalized.

It is also important to avoid using spammy or clickbait subject lines. This can damage your brand's reputation and lead to a high unsubscribe rate. Instead, focus on providing value to the recipient and being transparent about what the email contains.

One tool that can help with crafting effective subject lines is Outreachbin. This platform provides a variety of subject line templates and allows users to test their subject lines to see which ones perform best.

In conclusion, email subject lines are crucial to any email marketing campaign. They determine whether the recipient will open the email or not, so it is important to make them engaging, informative, and relevant. Keep them short and to the point, personalize them when possible, and avoid using spammy or clickbait subject lines. Tools like Outreachbin can help craft effective subject lines and improve email open rates.


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